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A Legacy of Quality

2024 Largest Provider ParticipantKaplan Development Group is led by chairman and chief executive officer Glenn Kaplan. Mr. Kaplan’s career in senior living began in 1970. In 1972, he established Kapson Senior Quarters Corp, becoming its chief executive officer.

For over 20 years, Mr. Kaplan oversaw Kapson’s growth as it obtained 27 properties located throughout the Eastern United States. Under his leadership, Kapson earned a reputation as one of the premier assisted living companies in the industry. Mr. Kaplan maintained his role with Kapson until its sale in 1998.

This was when Mr. Kaplan brought his experience and industry knowledge to Kaplan Development Group.

Today, we continue to grow and flourish, acquiring, developing, managing, and operating assisted and senior living communities all over the United States.

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