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5 Ways for Seniors to Stay Active During the Winter

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Mall Walking

Taking a walk in a mall is a social activity that can be done with friends or family while avoiding the harsh winter elements outside. Many malls open before the shops do, so you can take advantage of the extra space before it’s too crowded with shoppers. Walking just 30 minutes a day can provide a host of benefits including improved circulation, better sleep, and it can provide endorphins that will boost your mood.


Swimming at an indoor pool is a great way to enjoy some cardiovascular exercise, but is a low impact exercise that can actually strengthen your muscles and joints instead of straining them. It can also be particularly helpful for those living with arthritis.

The benefits of water exercises include an increase in strength, flexibility, agility, and improved cholesterol levels. You can even consider taking an aqua-fit class as a fun group activity or to challenge yourself and add some extra competition to your workouts. Depending on your needs, instructors can modify exercises and provide different flotation aids throughout the class.

Exercise Class

There are so many classes to choose from: yoga, pilates, zumba, spin, and more! Find a local community center near you, experiment, and take time to find one that you like

Exercise classes are also a great activity to do with friends or to meet new people. Many of these classes are adapted for senior, or have instructors that can provide modifications for exercises to fit your needs.

Home Work-Outs

If the weather conditions are too severe to leave the house, you can still reap the benefits of a good workout from home. Find a workout DVD you like or an online workout video that you can follow along with. There are many videos tailored to seniors that don’t require a lot of space or equipment. There are even many great workouts that can be done with your own bodyweight!

The Great Outdoors

If you’re up for the challenge, find a fun outdoor activity you can partake in! Embrace your inner child and go sledding, skating, or cross-country skiing. Or you can go for a simple walk around the neighbourhood and admire all of the holiday decorations that people have adorned their homes with. Remember to be safe, wear appropriate layers to stay warm, and don’t push your limits. Always do these activities with others or let someone know where you’ll be.

Finding ways to remain active during the winter months can force you to get creative, but chances are you’ll make some treasured memories and get to spend valuable time with family and friends.

At Kaplan Development Group, we work hard to create and foster compassionate and loving communities for the individuals in our care. For more information on our assisted living homes, give us a call at (516) 496-1505 or contact us online.

Written by salim

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