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How to Maintain Your Independence in a Senior Living Community

Kaplan Development Group strives to be the first name in seniors care, but we know that many people are concerned about moving to a senior community. However, any health problems you may face will be managed by compassionate caregivers, leaving you free to pursue whatever opportunities, goals, or activities you want. If you’ve recently moved to […]

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Gift Ideas for Seniors

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and time to begin the search for the perfect gifts for your loved ones. Here are some great gift ideas for the seniors in your life to bring joy to their world.  Books and Journals An autobiographical journal is the perfect present to preserve memories and learn […]

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Building and maintaining friendships can promote healthier and happier lives for people of all ages. Seniors can experience feelings of loneliness and isolation if they aren’t intentional about building relationships. Here are 4 tips for how to make friends as a senior.  Visit New Places A local senior’s center, a library, or a coffee shop […]

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